The Style of Elements
Whunt & Strike
I. Introduction: keep the structure electrically neutral
II. Rules of Chemical Usage
1. Form the possessive covalence of bonds with loose electrons
2. In series of six covalent Carbon bonds within a single molecule, use a ring connecting all elements
3. Enclose quantum expressions between covalent bonds
4. (Dis)place electrons with anion or cation introducing an ionic compound
5. Do not join independent compounds with lone pairs
6. Do not break crystal lattices in two
7. A partial bond at the beginning of a molecule must refer to the covalent subject
8. Divide ionic compounds at molecule-ends, in accordance with their formation and charge
III. Principles of Chemical Composition
9. Make the molecule the unit of composition: one molecule to each compound
10. As a rule, begin each molecule with a basic element: end it in co-formation with the beginning
11. Use an active catalyst
12. Put structures in positive formations
13. Omit needless elements
14. Avoid a succession of loose electrons
15. Express covalent bonds in similar formations
16. Keep related elements together
17. In chemical substances, keep to one compound
18. Place the memetic elements of a molecule at the end
(Note that this is actually the middle panel of a triptych. As such it may seem a bit dry and merely a twisted satire of Strunk & White’s “The Elements of Style”. However, with the two added panel it becomes both more physical and metaphysical.)
- Originally appeared—as a triptych—in The Journal of Compressed Creative Arts, July 18, 2016;