Guidelines for First Contact in Simplified Technical English
WARNING: trying First Contact can cause genocide, xenocide, death, injury and/or mysterious disappearances.
CAUTION: trying First Contact can cause enslavement, colonialism, frustration, bafflement, extreme cultural diffusion and/or enlightenment.
I): Preparations.
Make sure that:
1) The aliens are truly extra-terrestrial: perform the AAA (Anthropocentric, Anthropomorphic, Anthropomaniac) test. If they are not extra-terrestrials, proceed to (w);
2) The aliens can communicate: perform the AAS (Autism, Asperger’s, Solipsism) test. If they cannot communicate, proceed to (x);
3) The aliens are truly intelligent: perform the T/MI (Turing/Machine Intelligence) test. If they are below our intelligence level, proceed to (y);
4) The aliens are not hostile: perform the RS/WF (Red Shirt/White Flag) test. If they are hostile, proceed to (z);
II): Procedure.
1) Establish exact communication range by sending the first eleven prime numbers as a signature:
a) across the complete photon wave spectrum;
i) if no response, repeat step (a), but with other elementary particles;
ii) if no response, repeat step (a), but with the anti-particles of the above (note: set gamma ray shields to maximum);
iii) if no response, repeat step (a), but with the sypersymmetrical partners of the above;
b) across the complete sound spectrum;
c) across the complete chemical molecular reaction range (note: careful with the aqua regis);
d) direct contact knocking (adapt knocker size to that of the aliens);
e) If none of the above yield any result: the aliens are most probably a figment of your imagination. Return the psychedelical drug stash (or what remains of it) to the First Aid Cabinet;
2) Establish the most effective communication protocol. If necessary, use:
➡ babelfish;
➡ elementary particle ping;
➡ the quake codex;
➡ electromagnetic touchy/feely (as pioneered by Captain Kirk);
3) Establish the typical lifecycle of the aliens:
a) if their lifecycle is longer than 6 x 1052 Planck Times, make sure that you have a long line of successors that can continue the task of First Contact;
b) if their lifecycle is shorter than 6 x 1047 Planck Times, make sure to hurry before their civilization peaks and crumbles;
4) Establish the evolutionary pathway of the aliens:
a) if they did not evolve:
i) and can not remember who created them: report them to the InterGalactic Lost and Found;
ii) and their intelligence has far exceeded that of their creators: refer them to the Union of Dyson Spheres, Matrioshka Brains, Kardashevs and other Technological Singularities;
iii) and truly do not know who created them: adopt them, and teach them well;
b) if their evolutionary path is different from those already known:
i) find out everything about it, and:
➡ report the findings to the Encyclopaedia Galactica;
➡ do not update the Universal Wiki as the discussion will take a vigintillion Planck Times;
c) if their evolutionary path is known, but they insist that they were created by god:
i) and they are machine intelligences: see (a) above;
ii) and they are not machine intelligences: educate the hell (and heaven) out of them;
5) Establish the long term goals of the aliens:
a) If their goal is galactic domination, point them towards the berserker fleet;
b) If their goal is cultural infiltration and/or indoctrination, tell them: ‘Soylent Green is people!’;
c) If their goal is free trade and peaceful co-existence, tell them that conflict propels innovation;
d) If they appear to have no long term goals, tell them to become more ambitious;
e) Note: contrary advice keeps a civilization sharp and helps it avoid the next existential filter;
6) If the aliens appear inscrutable: think lateral. If necessary, use:
➡ the Spock protocol;
➡ the Greg Egan Indices;
➡ the psychedelic drugs stash in the First Aid Cabinet;
III): Aftermath.
1) If your and the aliens’ civilizations are still largely intact: congratulations! Invite them to the Galactic Federation;
2) If your civilization is still largely intact but the aliens’ civilization is not: either offer Marshall Aid until it recovers or fence it off, and mark it as an asylum (or at least clean up the debris);
3) If the aliens’ civilisation is still largely intact but yours is not: accept their Marshall Aid or try to recover in your asylum. Be exemplary vassals (or at least clean up after yourself);
4) If the aliens are aloof, disinterested or bored: improve your sales pitch. If necessary, use Instaspam™;
5) If the aliens think they’re god: provide them with a slap and a chocolate;
6) If you behave as god towards the aliens: SLAP! And a chocolate to help you think straight;
7) If you find yourself in a completely different Universe: explore and report the results (Note: keep the quantenglement radio charged);
8) If the laws of physics have changed beyond recognition: see point (7) above, use the Greg Egan Indices and try to stay alive;
(w) Help SETI from wasting time and uplift the intelligence level of the system-wide net. Perform:
➡ the Intellectual Property Data Base comparison test;
➡ the spaceweb hoax test;
➡ the LOLCAT LULZ test;
(x) Use reverse logic: tell the aliens that they can join the Co-operative of Solipsistic Minds.
(y) Help intelligence-impaired species: enroll them in the Universal Uplift Program.
(z) Test the military power of the aliens:
➡ Send in the redshirts: if the redshirts win, promote them to eternal guardian duty at the black hole of Cygnus X-1; if they lose:
➡ Send in the Shopped WorkGames Space Marines: if the Space Marines win, launch them into the Amazon Retail Jungle; if they lose:
➡ Send in the most powerful matter/antimatter missile available: if it destroys the aliens, promote Starfleet Admiral Jim White to Redneck of the Century; if the aliens ignore it:
➡ Set alert level to BERSERKER;
➡ Move away at the highest possible speed (but not in the direction of the home system);
➡ Make sure to leave behind an easily identifiable piece of missile debris marked as “Queer Forces of Gamma-Rabbit-Centauri”.
- Originally appeared on Daily Science Fiction, November 11, 2013;
- Translation appeared in the special Dutch issue of Romanian SF magazine Fantastica, March 2015;
Review quote:
(Review from Diabolical Plots)
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